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本人签署此表格/收据,以示加入 Swarovski Club,并已细阅且接纳一般条款与细则。本人理解有关本人的信息将根据施华洛世奇隐私政策进行处理。


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$(this).closest('#cn-scRegistrationFormConfigWrapper').find('.js-cn-scRegistrationFormConfig') .formValidation( { autoFocus: false, framework: 'bootstrap', icon: { valid: null, invalid: null, validating: null }, fields: { 'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_email]': { trigger: 'blur', validators: { regexp: { regexp: new RegExp('^(?=.{0,255}$)(?=.{0,64}@)(?:(?!^\\.)(?!.*\\.@)(?!.*\\.\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9!#.$%&\'*+\/=?^_‘{|}~-]+|\"(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x21\\x23-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7f]|\\\\[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f]){1,62}\")@(?!-)(?!.*\\.-)(?!.*-\\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}\\.){1,126}(?=[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?$', ''), message: '请输入您的电邮地址。', message_en: '请输入您的电邮地址。' }, notEmpty: { message: '请输入您的电邮地址。', message_en: '请输入您的电邮地址。' }, stringLength: { message: '本字段的字符数必须介于 0 和 100 间', message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 100', min: 0 , max: 100 }, } }, 'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_password]': { trigger: 'blur', validators: { callback: { callback: function(value, validator, $field) { var messages = []; var messagesEN = []; var errorOccured = false; if ($field.attr('regexCheckDisabled') === 'true') { return true; } if (!value.match(new RegExp('(^$|^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z]).{7,}$)', ''))) { messages.push('该密码不符合密码政策,请输入一个 7 个字符长度的密码,且该密码中包含至少一个数字和一个大写字母'); messagesEN.push('该密码不符合密码政策,请输入一个 7 个字符长度的密码,且该密码中包含至少一个数字和一个大写字母'); errorOccured |= true; } if (errorOccured) { return { valid: false, message: messages.join('<br/>'), message_en: messagesEN } } else { return true; } } }, notEmpty: { message: '请输入密码。', message_en: '请输入密码。' }, } }, 'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_newsletter]': { trigger: 'change', validators: { } }, 'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_cnTermsAndConditionsGeneral]': { trigger: 'change', validators: { notEmpty: { message: '您不同意我们的隐私政策及跨境传输,我们无法为您提供注册、订购及咨询等服务,但您仍可查询和浏览我们的部分信息。', message_en: '您不同意我们的隐私政策及跨境传输,我们无法为您提供注册、订购及咨询等服务,但您仍可查询和浏览我们的部分信息。' }, } }, 'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_cnTermsAndConditionsPersonalInfo]': { trigger: 'change', validators: { } } } } ) .on('success.field.fv', function() { /* note: we need to check if there is an error in the form, as the plugin does a validation on field level. Validating the whole form on blur of a field is no option, as the customer does not want to see error messages on all fields when entering one field. In case of an error on at least one field we disable the submit button manually */ var $form = $(this).closest('form'); if ($form.find('.form-group.has-error').length > 0) { var $button = $form.find('.js-button'); if (!$button.hasClass('disabled')) { $button.addClass('disabled'); } } }) .on('err.field.fv', function(e, data) { /* * On error field validation, enable submit button. * Source: https://old.formvalidation.io/examples/enabling-submit-button/ */ data.fv.disableSubmitButtons(false); if(data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').length){ /* Get the messages of field */ var messages = data.fv.getMessages(data.element); /* Get the error message content of the field */ var errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors'); /* Get the hidden error message of the field */ var errorField = errorContent.find('.swa-form-input__error-message[data-field="' + data.field + '"][style="display: none;"]'); /* Loop over the messages */ for (var i in messages) { if (errorField[1] == undefined) { var newErrorContainer = document.createElement("small"); $(newErrorContainer).attr("class", "swa-form-input__error-message swa-headline-sans--supertiny"); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-field", data.field); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-validator", "callback"); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-for", $(data.element[0]).attr("name") ); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-result", "INVALID"); $(newErrorContainer).attr("data-tracked", "true"); $(newErrorContainer).html(messages[i]); if (errorContent.text().includes(messages[i])) { $(newErrorContainer).hide(); } errorContent.append(newErrorContainer); } } } }) .on('success.field.fv', function(e, data) { /* * On success field validation, enable submit button. * Source: https://old.formvalidation.io/examples/enabling-submit-button/ */ data.fv.disableSubmitButtons(false); /* Remove the field messages */ $errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors'); $errorContent.find('.swa-form-input__error-message[data-field="' + data.field + '"]').remove(); $errorContent.find('.swa-form-input__error-message[data-fv-result="INVALID"]').removeAttr("style"); }) .on('success.form.fv', function() { var formId = 'registerNewCustomer'; if (!formId || formId === 'cfRequest' || formId === 'cfResponse') { formId = 'sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition'; } ACC.tracking.pushFormSubmit(formId); }); var replaceDatePatternWithValue = function(mandatory, fieldConfigCode, fieldConfigPattern) { var date = fieldConfigPattern.toUpperCase(); var year = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_year").val(); var month = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_month").val(); var day = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_day").val(); date = date.replace(/[Y]+/, year); date = date.replace(/[M]+/, month); date = date.replace(/[D]+/, day); var hiddenDateField = $('.js-' + fieldConfigCode + '_hidden'); if (mandatory) { hiddenDateField.val(date); } else { hiddenDateField.val(date == "" ? "" : date); } }; var triggerFormValidation = function(fieldId, mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat) { replaceDatePatternWithValue(mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat); $('.js-fieldCode').formValidation('revalidateField', 'values[fieldCode_'+ fieldId + ']'); }; var removeDateMoleculeError = function(molecule) { if(molecule.hasClass('has-error')){ molecule.removeClass('has-error'); molecule.find('.help-block').find('span').remove(); } };